
Spring 2021 Transportation Update

We care about the safety and welfare of our students and staff! 

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Parents should know that by putting their child(ren) on a bus can increase their exposure to COVID-19 virus because we don’t know who has been exposed and who hasn’t.  Also, it is very important that parents keep their child(ren) home if they are not feeling well.  Face coverings/masks are required, to ride on the bus this school year.  Hand sanitizers have been installed in all our buses.  Sanitizer should be used by each student when they get on the bus. 

Parents of child(ren) who are riding in our buses or vans MUST fill out a transportation form ONLINE.  Students do have assigned seats this year. Family units may have 3 students per seat.  Family units will be assigned seats together on the bus this year.  Please: No food or drinks on any of the buses.  Parents please discuss this with your child(ren). For bus transportation, bus tags are required. Please review your student handbooks. 
Students while waiting for the bus should adhere to the 6 foot distance guideline.  Members of immediate family can be in a group.  

Students will be limited to only one am route pick up location and one pm route drop off location.  Early release days will have to follow this change also.  Ex: Ray picks his home for his am pick up and home for his pm drop off location.  Ray’s mom calls and wants Ray to ride a different bus to a daycare provider.  This will not be allowed this year to prevent the spread of the COVID 19 virus.  The parent would have to make arrangements for Ray to be picked up at the end of the school day from school. The parent can change Ray’s pm drop off location to the day care provider-Ray will then be dropped off everyday.  Children who are having any gatherings or friends over must be picked up by a parent this year to keep the number of bus riders down and to lessen the exposure of COVID-19.  If you need to make a bus route change please contact Scott at the elementary school at 323-3315 EXT 2509 or John at the bus garage at 323-7082. 

Buses have a disinfecting schedule this year.  Any student who is sick should not be put on the bus.  If your child or family member does test positive for COVID-19 and your child was riding the bus, please let the school nurse’s office know, so our driver and other children can be tested/isolated or both as determined by them and/or the Trempealeau County Health Department.  Our bus drivers are wearing masks this year when they have riders on the bus to prevent exposure or spread of COVID-19. 

Students need to have their student photo-ID bus tag on their backpacks facing outward so they can be seen. Thank you for your assistance in this. 

Student Behavior on buses: Students who ride buses must sit in their seat and face forward.  No touching of any other students.  Stay seated in your assigned seat at all times. No standing up in the aisles.  No switching seats.  No facing backwards and talking to other students in a different seat. Parents please talk to your child(ren) about these rules.  It is important to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus and to mitigate risk when riding the bus or in our vans.  Disciplinary action may be taken for not following these rules and guidelines. 

All these changes will be strictly enforced this year to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Changes this year in transportation may occur rap-idly as we deal with the COVID-19 virus. Please check the transportation website for any changes that may occur.  Please check infinite campus for your anticipated pick up and drop off times.